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Academic Writing
Promotion Activities

You CAN be academic writer!!

This course outlines and discusses the keys to successful academic writing.

These are

1. An understanding of what outcomes we need to achieve in conjunction with a publisher, that there is a formal structure required when writing academic papers and books, and that there is more than one possible format for an academic product because each subject discipline has certain writing conventions, vocabularies and types of discourse that should be understood before writing the final draft;

2. In general, academic writing must be clear, focused, structured and backed up by evidence. Its purpose is to aid the reader’s understanding of a discipline. However, while it has a formal tone and style this is not complex and does not require the use of long sentences and complicated vocabulary to be accepted;

3. Being concise is crucial - using as few words as possible, for example “now” instead of “at the present time,” and making sure repetition is avoided. For example, the benefit of including only one idea per sentence (with sentences 10–25 words in length) and one theme per paragraph should be mastered;

4. Other skills covered will be avoiding vague or complicated sentences, along with using technical terms or jargon only when necessary (and explained), and why what the journal wants conditions your relationship with the editor and reviewers before and after submission is crucial to your success.

We will look at the purpose of academic writing and the art of writing for our audience in this basic course. We will practice the skill of avoiding unnecessary detail and words. Published and non-published examples will be used throughout.

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